
Liver Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is a late-stage result of liver disease and its complications. You may not have symptoms in the beginning stages of the disease. Common causes include alcohol abuse, hepatitis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Treatment depends on the cause of cirrhosis and how much damage exists. Liver transplantation may be an option if your liver is failing.

Posted August 24, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 5 min read

diseases treatments health prevention liver-cirrhosis disorders digestive-system

Pulmonary Fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis is a group of serious lung diseases that affect the respiratory system. Pulmonary fibrosis scars and thickens lung tissue. It impacts the connecting tissue in the lung and the alveoli (air sacs inside the lungs).

Posted August 20, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 3 min read

diseases treatments health prevention respiratory-system pulmonary-fibrosis

Pulmonary Edema

Pulmonary edema is a buildup of fluid in your lungs. That can make it hard for you to breathe. When you take a breath, your lungs should fill with air. If you have pulmonary edema, they fill with fluid instead. When that happens, oxygen from the air can’t get from your lungs into your blood, where it’s needed.

Posted August 20, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 3 min read

diseases treatments health prevention respiratory-system pulmonary-edema disorders


Your gallbladder is a small organ located in your upper right abdomen, right below your liver. It’s a pouch that stores bile, a green-yellow liquid that helps with digestion. Issues with your gallbladder typically occur when something is blocking its bile duct like a gallstone.

Posted August 24, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 4 min read

diseases treatments health prevention gallstones disorders digestive-system

Fatty Liver

Fatty liver disease is a common condition caused by the storage of extra fat in the liver. Most people have no symptoms, and it doesn’t cause serious problems for them. In some cases, though, it can lead to liver damage. The good news is you can often prevent or even reverse fatty liver disease with lifestyle changes.

Posted August 24, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 2 min read

diseases treatments disorders fatty-liver health prevention digestive-system

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