
Mesenteric Lymphadenitis

Mesenteric lymphadenitis, also known as mesenteric adenitis, is inflammation (swelling) of the lymph nodes in the abdomen (belly). Lymph nodes are organs that are part of your body’s immune system. They filter harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses so that they don’t spread to other parts of your body.

Posted August 30, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 2 min read

diseases treatments health prevention lymphatic-system mesenteric-lymphadenitis


Osteomyelitis is a bone infection caused by bacteria or fungi. It causes painful swelling of bone marrow, the soft tissue inside your bones. Without treatment, swelling from this bone infection can cut off blood supply to your bone, causing bone to die.

Posted August 27, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 3 min read

diseases treatments health disorders osteomyelitis prevention skeletal-system

Raynaud's Disease

Raynaud’s disease is when blood vessels in your fingers and toes temporarily overreact to low temperatures or stress. For most people, it isn’t a serious health problem. But for some, the reduced blood flow can cause damage.

Posted August 27, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 4 min read

diseases treatments disorders health prevention cardiovascular-system

Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s disease is an age-related degenerative brain condition, meaning it causes parts of your brain to deteriorate. It’s best known for causing slowed movements, tremors, balance problems and more. Most cases happen for unknown reasons, but some are inherited. The condition isn’t curable, but there are many different treatment options.

Posted August 26, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 5 min read

diseases treatments disorders health prevention nervous-system

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis (UC) causes irritation and ulcers (open sores) in the large intestine. It belongs to a group of conditions called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It often causes diarrhea with blood, cramping and urgency. Sometimes these symptoms can wake a person up at night to go to the bathroom as well.

Posted August 22, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 2 min read

diseases treatments health prevention disorders ulcerative-colitis digestive-system

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