Six Benefits of Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a term used for the group of vitamins that are fat soluble and are known as `naphthoquinones`. This group of vitamins consists of vitamins K, K1, K2 and K3, where K1 is a natural vitamin and occurs in plants. Vitamin K1 is the primary source of the vitamin K which humans consume in different foods. There are many health benefits of vitamin k.

  • Men 19 and older requires 120 mcg

  • Women 19 and older requires 90 mcg

  • Pregnant women 19 and older requires 90 mcg

  • Breastfeeding women 19 and older requires 90 mcg

Food rich in vitamin k

Green Leafy Vegetables

Leafy vegetables are rich sources of Vitamin K. Apart from spinach, some of the best vitamin K food sources are green cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, and okra that you can relish. One quick tip to enhance Vitamin K and flavour in your food add sprigs of parsley to the dish.

Soybean & Canola Oil

We can get our recommended dose from the meals cooked in a tablespoon of canola or soybean oil. Both the oils have a lesser amount of saturated fats, helping boost the heart health.


Fruits are not exact sources of Vitamin K but avocado, grapes, roasted prunes, blueberries, and apples can contribute a minor portion of this vitamin and get you the required amount needed.


Nuts were never recommended until they were proven to be a key contributor of Vitamin K in the body. Cashews and other nuts are good Vitamin K food sources.


Fish should be on the priority list. Fishes like salmon help in lowering blood pressure. Tuna fish is packed with a considerable amount of Vitamin K.


Try boiled and fermented soybeans. You can flavour them with many seasonings like oregano or parsley and delight your taste buds. Who said health and taste can’t go together?

Benefits of vitamin K

Prevents osteoporosis

  • Osteoporosis is caused by loss of bone density and it usually occurs after the age of 50 years and is common in menopausal women.

  • This problem progresses silently and causes many complications if not treated.

  • The signs and symptoms of osteoporosis may occur in the form of spinal deformity, easily fractured bones and pain in the bones.

  • Around the age of 20-30 years the bone mass of a human being starts decreasing.

  • This is the age when the bones are at their maximum strength and density, but after this the bone density starts reducing.

  • Menopausal women suffer bone loss when their estrogen levels fall.

Protects the immune system

It has been proved by studies that vitamin K protects the immune system and the digestive system.

Therefore it is advisable to eat foods that have a high content of this vitamin, in order to boost the immune system and make the digestive system healthy.

Regulates the blood sugar

  • The pancreas produce insulin in the body and they contain a high amount of vitamin K.

  • This vitamin is necessary for the proper functioning of pancreas.

  • The insulin secreted by pancreas controls the blood sugar levels and regulates the transformation of sugar into energy.

  • Hence, it can be said that the vitamin K is essential for regulating blood sugar levels.

Reduces excessive menstrual flow and relieves menstrual pain

  • Although there are many reasons for excessive menstrual flow in women, deficiency in vitamin K is also one of them.

  • Taking supplements of vitamin K can reduce the excessive flow of blood during menstruation as it will reduce the amount of blood flowing out of the body.

  • Vitamin K ensures the regulation of hormones which in turn ensure regular periods. This in turn helps in the reduction of menstrual pain.

  • Women who suffer from too much menstrual pain should get tested for the deficiency of vitamin K

Relieves nausea during pregnancy

Pregnant women who suffer excessive vomiting and nausea during pregnancy are usually deficient in vitamin K.

If they intake supplements of this vitamin, it will help in reducing these symptoms in pregnant women. Not only this it will also have a positive impact on the mental and physical health of the unborn child.

Increase flow of urine

Vitamin K can also increase the flow of urine which is essential for removing soluble toxins from the body.

This is the reason that if you do not pass enough urine it would be advisable to check yourself for the low levels of vitamin K in your body and if it is found so then you should take supplements of the same.

Vitamin k Deficiency

  • Lack of Vitamin K causes bleeding or difficulty in blood clotting, brittleness in bones, osteoporosis, and poor heart health.

  • Vitamin K deficiency can be generally treated by consuming foods high in Vitamin K.

  • In severe cases, doctors generally prescribe a medicine, phytonadione, which has vitamin K1.

  • However, Vitamin K scarcity is rare and mild (if at all it occurs) in adults as they generally eat meals with high Vitamin K sources.

  • Lack of Vitamin K is not very common in infants but if it happens, it is potentially life-threatening.

  • Hence, it is very common for neonatal physicians to give a shot of phytonadione to the newborns

Side effects of vitamin k

Side-Effects & Allergies of Vitamin K are as follows

  • If a person is under dialyis, it is advised to consult the doctor before taking these supplements.

  • High dosage of vitamin K can worsen blood clotting problems, for those who suffer liver complaints.

  • Vitamin K1 may lower blood sugar level, so it is advised that diabetics should carefully monitor their blood sugar levels.

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