Types of Dentures

There are several ways to replace missing teeth, the dentist can recommend the best option depending on the case whether to use a denture, bridge, or implant. There are several types of dentures on the market—each made from different materials and serving different purposes that’s why it’s important to understand what the benefits of the different types of dentures.

Types of dentures

There are several types of dentures which are mentioned below

  • Full dentures
  • Partial dentures
  • Temporary dentures
  • Fixed bridge
  • Cantilever bridge
  • Implant-supported fixed dentures
  • Snap-on dentures

Full dentures

  • The full dentures or also called as complete dentures, consist of both upper and lower sets and are removable dentures that can be used to replace missing teeth.
  • The denture teeth are made from porcelain or acrylic material and are held together by an acrylic or metal base.
  • Full dentures may be needed when one lose all the teeth and they can help fill out the appearance again, leaving behind more confident smile.
  • Both upper and lower dentures rest on the gum tissue and the suction helps to keep them in place, and the denture adhesive can also help secure the dentures and stop any food particles from causing discomfort or soreness, which can happen if they become trapped under the denture.
  • With proper oral health care and maintenance, full dentures can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years or more in some cases.

Partial dentures

Upper and lower partial dentures are designed to fill the gap created by missing teeth in either of the jaws. Partial dentures can be unclipped and removed when needed, helping the patient feel more confident if they are missing few teeth.

Temporary dentures

  • Temporary dentures are also called immediate dentures which are dentures that can be fitted right after the teeth have been removed and hence they are called immediate dentures.
  • They are an option to carry on normal functions while waiting for new permanent dentures to be fitted. One can return to eating the foods they love, without putting too much pressure on the remaining natural teeth.
  • They may be recommended by the dentist as a way to help to wear dentures a habit, or if you’ve previously had issues with sensitive teeth or gums.
  • By reducing the pressure on the remaining natural teeth while eating, temporary dentures will let your mouth heal without needing to make any major changes to your lifestyle.
  • The dentist will take measurements and models of your teeth beforehand so that the dentures are ready to wear while the jaw is healing.

Flexible dentures

  • Flexible dentures are a type of partial dentures, but they are made of different materials from ordinary partial dentures.
  • Most of the flexible dentures are made of a thin thermoplastic material such as nylon, compared to the thicker, more rigid acrylic used in full dentures.
  • The flexible partial dentures give more comfortable fit than other removable partials, especially if you’re still new to wear dentures.
  • Not only that, but most of the partial dentures are usually made with metal parts that are sometimes visible. Flexible dentures do not use any metal parts, so they provide natural look to the dentures.

Fixed bridge

A fixed bridge is used to replace missing teeth by surgically cementing an artificial tooth, known as a crown, to the remaining natural teeth on each side of the denture. Like all surgically fixed dentures including implants, implant–supported dentures, tends to cost more than removable dentures.

Cantilever bridge

A cantilever bridge is recommended when a molar is missing and there are no teeth on one side of it to support the bridge hence it is named as cantilever bridge. One or more teeth on the other side are instead used for support.

Implant-supported fixed dentures

Implant-supported fixed dentures features a crown that is secured to surgically inserted implants in the jawbone. It is then fixed in place with screws. This is most advanced type of dentures used nowadays.

Snap-on dentures

Snap-on dentures contain removable crowns that snap on and off of surgically inserted implants in jawbone. They fasten securely so that one can masticate the food they love without worrying about your dentures becoming loose or come out while eating.

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