Incision and Wound Closure
One should have adequate knowledge on regional anatomy and treatment plan before making an incision. Atraumatic management of the soft tissues favors rapid and uncomplicated healing which can lead to discomfort and many more problems.
Posted August 2, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 3 min read
Tooth Jewel
Tooth jewel or dental jewelry is basically a gem, a rhinestone, or a crystal that is placed onto a tooth of your choice using an adhesive without damaging the enamel layer of the tooth.
Posted August 2, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 4 min read
3D Printing In Dentistry
The concept of 3D printing in dentistry is taking the world by storm. The potential applications are endless, with particularly promising advances in the medical as well as dental fields. It’s still a relatively new technology, but traditional dental laboratories could go the way of typewriters and film cameras if 3D printing continues forward at its current pace.
Posted August 1, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 3 min read
Macroglossia, sometimes called as giant tongue or enlarged tongue, is a rare condition that is typically seen more in childrens than adults. Most people have macroglossia because they have other conditions, such as 'Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome' or 'Down syndrome'. Treatment for macroglossia varies depending on the underlying causative factor.
Posted August 1, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 4 min read
Teledentistry is the use of communication technology, including audio and video interaction, to remotely provide dental or oral health care services such as consultation, diagnosis, and patient education, according to the American Teledentistry Association.
Posted August 1, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 2 min read