Why Sugars Are Bad For Teeth And Overall Health

Posted July 31, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 5 min read

Although sugar may seem harmless to us, it can have far-reaching health complications for people who use it limitlessly. These health issues can be especially problematic or complicating for people who eat diets that are rich in sugar. Some results of high-sugary diets can manifest very quickly or drastically as blood glucose levels soar and then dive. Other issues may fester over time, resulting in serious illnesses such as coronary artery disease, diabetes and many more. By focusing on whole foods or diets that are naturally low in sugar, people can enjoy many health benefits.

The following are the reasons for why sugars are not good for teeth as well as for overall health

Unstable Blood Glucose

  • Simple sugars cause blood glucose levels to spike sharply or steeply and then suddenly fall.

  • Excessive swings in blood glucose levels can make people feel tired, weak, and unhealthy. People may also feel emotional mood swings due to increase and decrease in blood glucose levels.

  • As blood sugar goes up and then plummets, many people crave for more sugar which leads to excessive intake of sugary diets.

  • Eating more sugar is a temporary solution because the blood glucose levels will never stabilize on its own.

Systemic Diseases

  • Eating diet rich in sugar, increases a person’s risk of developing issues with obesity.

  • Excessive sugar consumption elevates the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

  • Heart disease is another health issue connected with diets high in sugars.

  • Some kinds ofcancer have a direct connection with high-glycemic diets.

  • The higher insulin levels in the body that accompany diets high in sugar may accelerate the growth of cancer cells.

Immune Function

  • Research has suggested that sugar interferes with healthy immune function which is intended to act as a defense mechanism for various diseases.

  • Sugar may suppress the active immune response in the body making the body susceptible to many diseases.

  • Bacteria and yeast that naturally occur in the body react to sugars and these reactions may cause an imbalance in the body.

  • Reducing sugary diets intake may enable the body to balance yeast and other useful bacteria to a healthier level.

Chromium Deficiency

  • A diet high in sugar often translates into eating foods that do not provide enough chromium needed by the body.

  • The mineral chromium helps the body to regulate blood glucose levels.

  • The refining of processed foods depletes the chromium intake.

  • Chromium is naturally present in whole grains, nuts, vegetable oils, and mushrooms which are rich sources of chromium.

Aging Or Senescence

  • Excessive sugar consumption may contribute to sagging, aging and wrinkling of the skin.

  • After sugar enters the bloodstream, it attaches to proteins which is called glycation.

  • Glycation is connected to loss of elasticity of the muscles, which leads to aging or senescence.

  • Elevated blood sugar levels in the body have a direct correlation with the glycation rate.

Tooth Decay

  • Sugar has a direct connection to tooth decay or cavity formation.

  • After eating foods that are high in sugar, these molecules combine with saliva and bacteria present in the mouth. This combination leads to plaque formation on the teeth.

  • Due to poor oral hygiene habits the bacteria present in the plaque can dissolve the enamel layer of the teeth, which leads to formation of cavities.

  • To avoid this maintaining good oral hygiene is very necessary.

Read about Tooth Decay

Gum Diseases

  • Sugar can also lead to gum diseases in the oral cavity. Once gum disease starts, it may advance if left untreated for longer time period.

  • Gum disease can advance to periodontitis, which involves both gum tissues and the underlying supporting bone structure.

  • The bacteria associated with periodontitis can travel throughout the body, invading joints, connective tissue, and organs such as the kidneys, liver, and lungs which can lead to more severe problems.

  • Gum disease can also lead to coronary artery disease. Bacteria that accumulates from periodontitis can cause blood clots that blocks the arteries.

  • Flap surgery or other needful surgeries may be necessary to treat advanced gum diseases.

  • A periodontist can assist with advanced periodontitis.

  • A cosmetic dentists can assist patients with the appearance of teeth to resolve issues related to appearance.

    Read about Gum Diseases

Children’s Behavior and Cognition

  • After eating foods high in sugar, blood glucose levels often rise sharply, this rise in blood sugar levels could lead to hyperactivity for some people.

  • Kids with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may have a sensitivity towards sugar, making them more likely to experience hyperactivity after eating sugary diets.

  • Diets high in carbohydrates could be linked to mild cognitive impairments due to issues with blood glucose levels and the way the body metabolizes the insulin levels.

  • Proper nutrition has a connection to the way the brain functions, which can impact kids learning and remembering capability.

Stress and Anxiety

  • External stress can cause the body’s stress hormone levels to rise. These hormones enable the body to respond to emergencies or critical situations.

  • Stress hormones also surge in response to low blood sugar levels in the body. This could occur after the spike and dip of blood glucose levels that occurs after eating sugary diet.

  • The body reacts to a surge in stress hormones by feeling irritable and anxious. Some people may even notice their shivering of the peripheral extremities.

  • Reducing sugar intake can alleviate anxiety for some people.

Replacing Important Nutrients

  • Eating excess sugar provides the body with excess calories, but these calories do not contain any nutrients.

  • People who consume diets high in sugar often don’t get enough of important nutrients needed by the body such as vitamins A and C.

  • Children and adolescents may be at the highest risk for nutritional deficiencies due to over-consumption or limitless consumption of sugars.

  • The recommended intake of sugar should be 10 percent or less than the total intake of food.

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