Six Common Dental Cosmetic Procedures

Posted July 31, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 4 min read

Cosmetic dentistry is a method of oral health care that focuses on improving the appearance of the teeth. Cosmetic dentistry is more popular than ever, with more and more people looking for ways to improve or restore the appearance of their smiles. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a staggering 99.7 percent of adults view a smile as an important social asset, with 74 percent believing that an unattractive smile has the potential to inhibit career success.

Inlays and Onlays

  • This cosmetic dental procedure is also known as indirect fillings, which are made by a dental laboratory.

  • They are used when a tooth has mild to moderate decay or insufficient tooth structure to support a filling or a restoration.

  • Provided there is not much damage to the tooth cusps, the inlay is placed directly onto the tooth surface.

  • However, when the cusp or a more significant portion of the tooth is damaged, your dentist may use an onlay to cover the tooth’s entire surface.

  • Inlays and onlays were once made of Nobel metal i.e. gold but typically are made in a dental laboratory from a composite of porcelain or ceramic material and attached to the teeth with adhesive dental cement like glass ionomer cements and some other resin cements.

  • They provide support to strengthen the teeth, restore their shape and structure, and avoid any further decay or deterioration.

Read about Glass Ionomer Cements

Composite Bonding

  • Composite bonding refers to the repair of decayed, damaged, or discolored teeth using material that resembles tooth natural color.

  • Your dentist drills out the decayed portion of the tooth, then applies the composite material onto the tooth’s surface, and then sculpts it into the right shape before curing it with a high-intensity light.

  • Also referred to as bonding, this procedure effectively covers the tooth’s damage part and gives the appearance of a healthy tooth in its place.

  • Bonding is one of the least expensive cosmetic dentistry procedures available to patients with dental caries, chipped or cracked teeth, old restorations, and worn-down edges.

Read about Dental Composites

Dental Veneers

  • Typically manufactured from medical-grade ceramic, dental veneers are custom-made caps that go over the natural teeth. They look exceptionally realistic and can resolve numerous cosmetic problems, ranging from crooked teeth to cracked, fractured or damaged enamel to noticeable gaps between two teeth. The dentist applies the veneer to the front of each tooth using a dental adhesive.

  • For those people for whom the teeth whitening procedure is not an option be it due to stubborn intrinsic tooth staining or some other functional concern, porcelain veneers may be the answer. A porcelain shell is fabricated to fit over a prepared tooth to correct worn enamel, uneven alignment or spacing, cracks, and discoloration.

  • If you’re unhappy with your teeth and are looking forward for the perfect smile, porcelain veneers offer an excellent solution. However, keep in mind that unlike whitening, veneer application is an invasive procedure that requires the permanent alteration of your natural teeth also which includes the cutting or crown preparation procedure.

Teeth Whitening

  • Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures in dentistry.

  • It can be performed at dental office, often in a single visit. The dental hygienist will first remove plaque or tartar, and other debris from each tooth’s surface, restoring its natural appearance.

  • The teeth can then be whitened with a bleaching agent to achieve an even lighter shade than this original color of the tooth.

  • Over the years, teeth become stained and worn from colored food items, drinks, medication, and personal habits such as smoking.

  • Whitening coats the teeth, and this procedure can be done in the dental office as well as at home.

  • Additionally, patients can use toothpaste to achieve the same effect in one to two weeks.

  • This product works to whiten teeth more than three shades over two weeks and optimal results within four weeks.

  • But, if the patient is having sensitivity, it is recommended not to go for bleaching instead they can opt for other cosmetic options.

Read about Teeth Whitening

Gingival Contouring

  • A common smile concern for most of the people is gummy smile, in which an excessive amount of gum tissue is exposed when smiling and it may not look pleasing.

  • Also called excessive gingival display, gummy smile is treatable in a variety of ways, including laser treatment, surgical lip repositioning, orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery and gingival sculpting.

  • Gingival contouring treatments often are performed by specialists such as periodontists, orthodontists or in some cases an oral surgeon also.


  • Dental implants are used to replace lost or damaged teeth.

  • Implant are one of the advanced cosmetic dental treatments

  • The dentist inserts a small titanium screw into the jaw at the site of the missing tooth, which serves as the support for a crown.

  • These implants are almost indistinguishable from the surrounding natural teeth.

  • Once the bone and supporting tissue fuse to the implant, they are permanently secured into place.

  • Patients need to practice diligent oral hygiene procedures during the implant placement period and after the implant procedure is completed to clean plaque and food debris from the area.

  • If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry procedures, it’s vital to find a cosmetic dentist who specifically offers the option you’re interested in. They will give you more guidance on which procedures would be best for you depending on your oral health condition.

Read about Dental Implants

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