Posted September 5, 2022 by Anusha ‐ 3 min read

Many women use both, PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease) and PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) interchangeably when both are very different conditions. While both the conditions are related to the ovaries and both cause hormonal disturbances, there are many significant differences.


  • PCOD is a condition in which the ovaries contain many immature or partially mature eggs.

  • They, eventually, turn into cysts. Junk food, being overweight, stress and hormonal disturbances give birth to this condition.

  • Common symptoms of PCOD are irregular periods, abdominal weight gain, infertility and male pattern hair loss.

  • The ovaries usually become enlarged in this problem and secrete large amounts of androgens that cause havoc with the woman’s fertility and her body.


  • PCOS is a metabolic disorder that is more severe than PCOD.

  • In this condition, the ovaries produce a higher quantity of the male hormone and this leads to the formation of more than ten follicular cysts in the ovary every month.

  • This stops the release of the egg leading to anovulation.

  • Symptoms include hair loss, obesity and infertility.

Difference between PCOS and PCOD

  • PCOS is a serious condition. PCOD is not considered a disease as with the correct diet and exercise schedule, the situation improves. PCOS is a metabolic disorder.

  • PCOD is more common. Almost a third of the women around the world suffer from PCOD. PCOS has a lower number of patients.

  • PCOS has serious complications. Women who suffer from PCOS are at risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure cardiac-vascular issues, obesity and even endometrial cancer.

  • PCOS is visible early in life. Girls who suffer from PCOS show symptoms of the disease since their teenage years. Acne, excessive hair growth and weight gain are apparent from a younger age due to metabolic disturbances.

  • Those with PCOD don’t have significant fertility issues. With a bit of medical help, they conceive successfully. Women who suffer from PCOS, on the other hand, struggle with infertility. They even have higher rates of miscarriages.

  • Those with PCOD can still ovulate regularly. The women who have PCOD may have similar symptoms as PCOS, but they retain the ability to ovulate periodically and thus, can conceive successfully. However, those with PCOS do not ovulate due to a severe hormonal imbalance that disturbs the process of ovulation.


  • While neither PCOD nor PCOS can be directly caused due to a particular food, a healthy diet goes a long way to preventing or easing the symptoms of both.

  • PCOS has been highly linked to obesity and being overweight, additionally, it is harder to lose weight with these conditions.

  • Since PCOS is closely tied to insulin resistance, you should avoid a diet rich in starch and sugar and cut highly refined carbs from your diet.

  • Add high-fibre foods and veggies as well as nuts and olive oil, this can help you feel full while reducing weight.

  • Try limiting your intake of processed flour bread, sugary desserts and drinks and avoid corn syrup sweetened goods too.

  • You may not experience any improvement in symptoms unless you also pair your diet changes with increased daily exercise and use stress-reduction techniques.

  • The PCOD vs PCOS symptoms may be similar and harder to distinguish unless you stop and think about it. The dietary changes required are also similar.

  • PCOD and PCOS both will require dietary and lifestyle changes to help you with your recovery.

pcos pcod diseases disorders

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